Thursday, September 19, 2013

Puzzle Guestbook

I wanted something a little different for the guestbook at my wedding. I saw all of these cool ideas online and on Pinterest. It came down to two ideas; puzzle pieces or a globe. I really liked the globe idea but I couldn't really find a globe anywhere that wasn't crazy expensive. I guess they are going out of style with all of the technology today. So, I went with the puzzle idea.

Let me just tell you about the mishap we had with the puzzle pieces. First, it was hard to find big enough pieces that didn't make a huge puzzle, because I wanted to hang it up at our home after the wedding. So the pieces were either too small, made too big of a puzzle board, or the pieces were big enough but only had about 10 pieces because it was a child's puzzle. After searching for a while I finally found a child's puzzle that had four different boards. They were 6x4 with big enough pieces for people to sign.

They looked like this.

But the real mishap was when I opened the package a couple of nights before the wedding. After opening them and turning them over I realized they all had stamps of different shapes on the back! I haven't done too many puzzles in my life but I have never seen ones with things on the back. I mean you don't usually see the back right? haha So I didn't know what to do, because it was so hard to find the right kind in the first place. Then my handy dad had the idea of spray painting the back. And it worked! I even liked the color better than before!

So now, after the wedding and everyone had signed the pieces I wanted to find a way to hang up the four pieces together. So I thought an old window pane would be great because it has four separate spots  to put the four boards in. So, my friend was kind enough to give me an old one of hers. 

This is what it ended up looking like.

 It was very easy to do. I just cleaned up the window panes and then superglued them to the window panes! Now, just to hang it up.

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